On the left side of this collage stands a woman holding a holy bible. On the right depicts an open bible on a table, on a page of the open bible holds a list of names and ages to accompany the names.
In this picture stands a big family of 24 people. It includes moms, dads, uncles, aunts, grandpas, and grandmas, all together spending time on a family trip for thanksgiving.
ID: In this image it shows a big family of 24 people. With the various…
This still photo represents a game created while waiting for Thanksgiving dinner. The game involves cousins lining up far from the soda and attempting to knock over the can.
This still image shows a bowl of fried rice with visible carrots,
egg, and onion. The rice appears brown and shiny, suggesting that there is
soy sauce and butter/oil involved in the cooking process.